Who Should Install Submeters? 6 Reasons to Trust a Professional

The success of a new utility cost allocation system starts with proper submeter installation. If you’re considering a submetering system for your multifamily property, don’t take the installation step lightly. This blog explores why you should work with licensed professionals when installing submeters.

Submeter installation is a process that takes careful planning and expertise to get right. There are many factors to consider that can impact a submeter installation project including:

  • The size of the building.
  • The property type and environment if submeters will be installed outside.
  • The utility being submetered.
  • The amount of demand each unit asks of your lines.
  • Whether it’s new construction or a retrofitting project.

All these considerations add up to submetering installations being deceptively complex jobs that ultimately require a professional to get right.

Who Installs Submeters?

There are many licensed professionals and contractors who can install submeters in a multifamily property. Who installs submeters also depends on the utility you are trying to submeter.

Submeter Installation for Water & Gas

Water and gas submetering installations are relatively similar. Water and gas are both consumables traveling through a pipe. In both cases, a licensed general contractor or plumber can install these submeters.

Submeter Installation for Electricity

On the other hand, electric submetering installation is an entirely different project that requires a serious degree of training and caution. Electricity submeters are usually installed together in electrical rooms, surrounded by high-voltage devices. All this electricity poses a serious safety hazard if handled by someone who is not a licensed electrician experienced in submeter installation.

6 Reasons to Trust a Professional

It may be tempting to take on a submetering installation project yourself to save on installation costs. Even if you have your own in-house maintenance team, investing in professional submetering installation is a prudent move. Here are several reasons why.

Reason #1: Technical Expertise

The submeter installation process, especially in larger multifamily buildings, involves complex electrical and plumbing work. Professional submetering contractors have the technical knowledge and experience to handle these projects effectively.

No two submeter installation projects are the same. They all take careful planning to ensure they are done safely and effectively, minimizing the risk of damage to the property or injury to individuals.

Reason #2: Quality Assurance

At the end of the day, a submetering system is an investment into your multifamily property intended to increase its value in terms of NOI.

Working with a submetering professional helps ensure the job is done right. Submeters that aren’t properly installed can ultimately end up compromising the accuracy and efficacy of your entire system.

Professional installers have access to the equipment and tools needed to get the job done right. They should also be well-versed in the submetering hardware on the market, so they can help you choose the right submeters for your property. They can then ensure those submeters are installed correctly and function properly.

Reason #3: Read Accuracy

Submetering systems are designed to capture an accurate usage read for each unit. This allows multifamily property owners to bill residents for their exact utility usage, ensuring they fully recover utility costs for the building each month. Accurate metering is crucial for fair billing and effective utility management.

A poorly done or DIY installation can result in meters not reading correctly, defeating the entire purpose of investing in submeters in the first place. Professional installers have the expertise to ensure that submeters are calibrated correctly and accurately measure individual unit consumption.

Reason #4: Installation Efficiency

In addition to ensuring submeters are installed correctly and getting accurate reads, experienced submetering professionals can complete the installation efficiently.

In the case of a new construction installation, it means your property can be completed faster. For retrofitting projects, faster installation means minimizing downtime for tenants and reducing disruptions to their daily lives. This increases overall tenant satisfaction and helps them to view the new submetering installation more positively.

Ultimately, a professionally done installation allows property owners to start benefiting from submetering sooner and maximize return on investment.

Reason #5: Compliance with Local Codes

If you are not familiar with local building codes, submetering regulations, and safety standards related to submeter installation, then you should not be installing submeters. Working with a professional can ensure your installation meets all legal requirements, avoiding potential fines or legal issues for non-compliance.

Reason #6: Safety

Submeter installation involves working with electric, plumbing and heating systems, which can be hazardous if not handled properly. Professionals are trained to prioritize safety during the installation process, reducing the risk of accidents or injuries on the property.

How Do I Find the Right Submetering Professional for the Job?

Working with an outsourced utility billing expert can help you find the right submetering installation provider. When choosing a utility billing firm, it’s important to find one that works with a network of proven nationwide submeter installation partners and licensed technicians.

Combing through contractors to find the right submetering installation partner can be time-consuming, and you can’t always guarantee you will find the right partner. Another concern is who will manage the utility billing system once the submeters are installed.

An expert utility billing firm like Synergy Utility Billing can address both concerns. They can take your submetering project from system design to feasibility to installation to ongoing utility billing and optimizations. At every step, they will make sure your submetering system is recovering as much utility cost as possible.

Interested in installing submeters on your property? Before moving forward, get in touch with Synergy. Our experts are here to help.